Monday, March 22, 2010

What I saw/heard this morning

7 AM-Alarm goes off
7:03-Call from Anil, we have a new baby boy in the house born at 3:30 AM
7:30-On balcony, lots of children running around on the street, apparently girl children are treated as goddesses and get presents and money today.
8:10-During my usual walk to the bus see lots of piglets in the totally dirty stream area.
8:11-See some holy men dressed in orange with a number of large monkeys sitting next to them, all eating together.
8:40-On metro-see one woman twirling a finger in her nose, not so unusual, a man with a big butt, jamming it next to some passengers so that he can get a seat.


ashramblings said...

I can't remember the last time I used an alarm clock for a normal day. The increasing heat makes it easy to wake up early.

Jen said...

I always set my alarm clock, but am always awake before it goes off.

Like the part about girl children being treated like goddesses